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Why Real Estate Agents and Real Estate Photographers Fail

Reasons Why Real Estate Photographers and Agents Fail

1. Not Committed

Many people approach a new business idea because they are interested in the lifestyle and income that it may offer.

Just because someone is interested in a business venture or a new career does not mean that they have the intestinal fortitude to be successful.

Keeping your mind and actions in a state of just being interested allows us to be in a position that creates bad habits.

Seth Godin says this allows our lizard brain to take over, and you operate sluggishly and not doing work that really matters and driving the business forward.

Sometimes in the real estate industry, photographers and real estate agents enter into the profession after we have completed several other careers.

Perhaps not even being very successful in the other careers we had, we crow frustrated and look for new opportunities that present themselves.

Being a real estate photographer or a real estate agent is different than a career in a corporate job. We are now putting our selves in an entrepreneurial role, and we are the business.

By not approaching it with a high-level committee that takes for success, we are guaranteeing that our business will not succeed.

The Wolf and the Lamb - Tyrants or other unfair people do not need an excuse to justify their behavior.

“Motivation is what gets you started. Commitment is what keeps you going.” Jim Rohn

2. Lack of Strategy

Real Estate Agents and Real Estate Photographers must have a strategy.

Experts say we need a daily schedule that creates high impact performance.

We need to push things around and make things happen.

You need to have information that will benefit your customers and stay up-to-date on the things that are happening in our marketplace.

You don’t get 100% results with only 50% commitment. - Anonymous

WE MUST be focused.

Focused intensity over time equals greatness.

The Tortoise and the Hare’s moral: The race is not always to the swift.

3. Afraid to Make Mistakes

We are scared to make mistakes for the sake of looking good.

Thus, we are continually trying to impress others, and we're not willing to make mistakes, or we're not in a place where we can learn from our mistakes.

In John Maxwell's book "Failing Forward," he lays out a plan on how to take failure and make it an actionable plan to succeed.

Ways to Change Perspective

  • Take responsibility for our future success.

  • Learn from failure.

  • Stumble to success.

  • Make the most of each opportunity.

  • Establish clear, measurable goals with deadlines.

  • Work on your social skills.

  • Keep a positive mindset.

Work the Basics

  • Existing database and grow your database.

  • Work events like open houses.

  • Do network farming in your community attending events and knocking on doors.

  • Have a strong online presence and brand.

  • Having the idea, you'll keep regular hours

  • Make a mindset change that you do not have a job, you have a business, and you are the business.

Watch this motivational speech of Zig Ziglar, a Southern American motivational speaker and has been in the speaking limelight since the 1980s.

4. No Selling Skills

Many times real estate agents and real estate photographers are entering into their new career and business with no selling skills and marketing skills to back up their business.

When we do this, it puts us in a position that we are serendipitously approaching our business with bad habits.

We are using wishful thinking that something is going to happen with marketing and sales.

We need to realize that there are roadblocks and negative forces that keep things from naturally happening. It will take marketing and sales to break through the gravity that is holding our success back.

We need to make use of resources and tools and other professionals who have paid the way and have knowledge for our improvement.

Use videos, online training programs, seminars, and resources to move and update your selling skills.

5. Not Tracking the Numbers

No daily routine that creates success is a direct road to failure.

No financial management plan or system is a sure way to flop.

Create a daily list weekly list and monthly list to track your numbers.

We need 6 months of living expenses plus marketing expenses to create the momentum for your business.

Not having dollars to allocate necessary living expenses can put us in an unfavorable position where we use fear tactics to try to close deals.

Fear tactics and closing a deal will only scare off customers and reduce opportunities for our business.

Not having the appropriate marketing campaigns is like turning the lights out on your business just as you're opening the doors.

No one knows who you are, and no one cares if there are no marketing dollars available. People are just not going to naturally gravitate to what we have to offer just because we're in the business.

Ways to Show Commitment

  1. Professionalism

  2. Putting customers first

  3. Teamwork

  4. Keeping motivation strong

  5. Build boundaries

  6. Making changes when it isn’t working

  7. Be fully present

  8. Nurturing your health

  9. Letting go and moving away from the people that drag you down

  10. Building a support community

  11. Leaving a legacy brand